Acupuncture originated in China over 3,000 years ago and is one of the oldest systems of healing in the world. It forms one of the modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine, along with Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Nutrition and Energetics, Qi Gong and Guisha.
Acupuncture is believed to encourage the normal flow of qi (energy) throughout the body, removing blockages and restoring balance. The smooth flow of energy throughout the body helps to regulate homeostasis and promote good health.
I am a licensed and insured acupuncturist and registered with the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC). The BAcC’s register has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority under its Accredited Registers programme.
What happens during a session?
During the initial consultation, a full medical history is taken. This allows a diagnosis to be made before deciding on the right treatment plan for your specific needs.
What does it feel like to be needled?
Acupuncture needles are nothing like injection needles! They are very fine and insertion is generally almost completely painless. Most people find acupuncture very relaxing. The needle sensation can give you a tingling, warm or cold feeling or a dull ache. This is one of the tangible signs that the body’s energy is responding to the needles. If you are scared of needles, please let your acupuncturist know of your worries and a treatment will be worked around what you feel comfortable with.
Is acupuncture safe?
According to research, acupuncture is a very safe and gentle therapy when performed by a licensed and fully trained acupuncturist. Minor bleeding or bruising may occur in a small number of people. All members of the BAcC are bound by strict codes of safe practice, ethical and professional conduct and standards of hygiene approved by the Department of Health.
What should I do before a treatment?
Make sure you have eaten something light at least an hour before your treatment and do not drink alcohol. Wear loose and comfortable clothes.
How will I feel after acupuncture treatment?
Acupuncture can make you feel relaxed, calm and positive. Depending on the treatment, you may feel tired afterwards and caution should be taken if driving or exercising straight after treatment.
How many sessions will I need?
That depends on your individual condition, and whether you have an acute or long- standing complaint. You should feel some benefits after the first or second treatment although chronic conditions usually need more time to improve.
I have private medical insurance – will it cover the cost of my treatment?
That depends upon your insurance company. For information on which Private Health Insurance companies cover acupuncture please follow this link to the BAcC website :